Friday, May 11, 2007

What is it with me and the birds lately?

The other day while at the park feasting on my usual lunch of salad with tomatoes, chicken, and crumbled feta, I was torn away from reading my book by the most fascinating scrap between three birds over a half eaten apple. Even though I work in one of the most beautiful environments in this city, I often go to a nearby park to escape the confines of work. Usually, I camp out at a wooden weather beaten picnic table, scarf down my lunch, and spend the rest of the time reading. Occasionally, I’ll get distracted by a few screaming kids running by, a stranger whizzing by on his bike on the nearby path, or once in a while, a lone wandering and possibly homeless person in dire need of conversation with someone other than himself.

Rarely am I distracted by the creatures of the park. I guess I’m immune to them. Squirrels go darting by in their nervous way in search of a nibble here or there. Birds swoop and squawk and watch me from trees in hopes that I’ll drop a few crumbs or a tomato or two. With my nose in my book and my eye on the clock, I hardly ever notice these residents. On this day, however, I noticed. Even though this display was hardly unusual, I was intrigued.

Two birds tentatively crept up toward the half eaten Red Delicious Apple. Once both were within inches of this bountiful fruit, they faced off, each fluttering in the air pounding chests and screaming wildly at each other. The apple was the size of two of these birds put together. Couldn’t they just share?

After a few minutes of flitting around and arguing another bird came into the picture.

This bird, bigger and more beautiful (and obviously smarter), swooped in to make peace around the apple. He looked as though he was trying to explain to the smaller birds, “chill out, we have enough to share.” It was interesting to say the least. I watched them for several minutes trying to decipher that actual conversation that took place before me.

Finally, the mediator bird flew off. I guess his job was done. The other two, believe it or not, went on to actually peck simultaneously at the apple. They had reconciled their war and were willing to live more harmoniously. It was a serene and hopeful observation - a metaphor for my own hopes about the world we live in perhaps?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool story. I think the mediator is a woodpecker. He does look like he is talking to the other two birds in that 3rd picture.