Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I did it. I bit the bullet. Maybe it is because the Professor's away and I'm feeling rebellious. It's probably because I've been thinking about it long and hard for the past several weeks, especially when yanking a comb through my long, straight, stringy, tangly hair each morning. It's a good thing I had the afternoon off of work today to go to a real salon and get it cut because I soon may have gotten too fed up and gone to a hack job cutery or worse, done it myself. As my hairdresser said, "you'll feel liberated!" I do! I feel liberated!


Stephanie said...

It looks great! I can't wait to see it in person!

Anonymous said...

I agree. The new do looks great, and not a bad picture either. It's going to look even better with a cool Lancashire breeze blowing through it.