I wanted to post our Christmas card for those of you who did not make it on our mailing list. Let me just say that I have had much feedback about this photograph. Many have asked if the dogs were PhotoShop-ed in. I can say with confidence that they indeed sat patiently while I clicked the camera. What you may not know (and this is what makes this photograph a true triumph) is that the dogs are both big chickens when it comes to Charlie, especially Roxy, our 2 ½ old golden retriever. Whenever we try to get him close to so they can inspect each other, she freaks out and backs away. When he makes a loud squeal, she cowers off to the other side of the room. Seriously. I can be sitting in the room with Charlie in my lap, petting Roxy gently on her enormous head, and one small move by Charlie, whether it be an attempt to pet or just a happy jig with his feet, and Roxy is outta there!

What you don’t see in this photograph is Neal just off to the side next to Roxy, holding her in place. I promised him that I would only attempt to get the perfect shot with the dogs for 15 minutes. I agreed to give it up after the allotted time and settle for a solo shot with Charlie. Surprisingly, it only took about 5 minutes!

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