Charlie LOVES his beasts, Maggie (11 ½) and Roxy (2 ½). They are his favorite form of entertainment and he simply cannot get enough of them. If they bark, he laughs. If they run, he laughs. If they roll on their backs and wiggle back and forth for a self-inflicted back scratch, he laughs (I must admit that one does look pretty funny). If they play with each other, he giggles. If Roxy chews on Maggie’s ears, he squeals. Even if he leans in to pet or pull the fur of one of the dogs, resulting in a dog bolting to the other side of the room, he chuckles. I love the deep, full force belly laughs that the dogs draw out of him.

I love that Charlie will grow up with dogs. While messy and often smelly, they provide so much love and calm in our house. There are few things better than curling up with a lazy dog and snuggling. Some of my favorite times with them are spent sitting on the couch with them on the porch and cuddling. I remember growing up with my dog, Keeka. She was a great friend. When I was mad or upset, I could have a conversation with her and get everything off my chest. I remember spilling my guts to her about boys at school, fights with my sister, and worries about life. Having her there truly helped me through much of my teen angst. I am grateful that Charlie will have the same opportunity. While Maggie won’t be around for his teen years, I’m happy that he is able to enjoy her love now. She is finally getting less wary of him. Unlike Roxy, I think she sees him simply as another pair of hands to scratch her belly!

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